Perspectives of biotechnology
No-one can predict the future. However on the basis of current trends in biotechnology, realistic prognoses can be made, of how the interdisciplinary technology can influence our lives in around 15 years time.
- Photo: Martin Schemm/
According to these, rapid progress in information technology will enable us to develop a more and more complete model of the diverse interactions inside a cell. The long term goal is therefore their complete representation and simulation on the computer. In this way the foundations would be laid to engage with complex metabolic paths, so that individual cells for example could form completely new, valuable products. For diagnostics these developments equally open up many promising paths: in this way cells could be punctually modified, so that they can be used as indicators and show reactions to various substances - e.g. environmental toxins.
In the area of medical diagnostics there will be the opportunity to know the exact causes of more and more genetically related illnesses e.g. hereditary disorders or cancer, and to detect them. In this way better prevention measures can reduce the risk of illness, and therapies can approach the cause of the illness in a more targeted manner. The therapies of the future will additionally allow us to regrow complex tissues or even whole organs. Already today simple tissues such as cartilage can be produced from individual cells with tissue engineering. Regenerative medicine follows a similar approach, in that the growth and/or rebuilding of tissues is stimulated directly in the body. The more precisely you understand gene regulation in tissue and organ development, the better this knowledge can be implemented into regenerative therapies.
The face of agriculture will also change in a fundamental way. New fields of action will be open to the farmer of the future in addition to production of food. For example he will be in the position to produce active substances or valuable raw materials and fuels with the help of transgenic plants and animals as "bioreactors". To save space, plants could be grown in agro-towers. These changes will create new agricultural production possibilities and relieve the environment by using renewable raw material sources.
At the same time, the trend for the ”functionalisation“ of food stuffs, i.e. enriching them with health promoting substances will be intensified. A bread, which contains more omega -3 fatty acids to lower harmful blood lipids in the body, is already available. In the future we will also be able to build up antibodies against helicobacter pylori bacteria by eating yoghurt, in order to prevent stomach ulcers.